FGD Gypsum..
FGD Gypsum is a product that has been getting a lot of attention over the past few years. It is a byproduct from coal burning power plants. The EPA has made all of us clean up our emissions and how much pollutants are being put back into the air. Coal burning power plants are affected the most. The simple way of saying it is, the power plant start with ag rock, they crush it up and run it through their process to clean up the emissions (sulfur) from the burning coal. The crushed ag rock then has lost its ability to neutralize soil ph but still has calcium. The product then picks up around 18% sulfur by volume (depending on how much sulfur content the coal has that is being used (Illinois coal has some of the highest sulfur contents). Farmers are interested in the product because before the air was cleaned up we would get sulfur when ever it would rain. The rain drops would grab the sulfur particles floating in the air and deposit them back into the soil. Most farmers are finding that there soils are getting sulfur deficient because of our cleaner air. Remember sulfur has been taken out of our diesel fuel to. Using FGD Gypsum is one of the many ways to put sulfur back into the soil. There are other benefits using this product, I have included links with more information. Jacobs’ Farms is using the product off and on for many years and a lot of our neighbors have tried it to. It is a great product and a single application can last for a few years depending on your soil.
If you have questions feel free to email us.
Andrew & Jeff Jacobs